"Valkyrie" is centered around Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, who should be (and is, especially in Germany) heralded as a hero today, and his attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler by planting a bomb inside of a briefing room at the Wolf's Lair, Hitler's high security military compound. Stauffenberg wasn't alone in the conspiracy. He was a part of a resistance group that's goal was to initiate a coup that would overthrow the Nazi regime. While Stauffenberg and others like him were unsuccessful in their attempts, it is at least concerting to know that Germans were trying to make a difference. Many were against Hitler's extermination policies, while others saw him as essentially the enemy to none other than Germany herself. These Germans felt that Hitler had perverted the traditions and principles of the German race. Stauffenberg himself could not imagine his children growing up under the regime of Hitler. Today, we can not even begin to imagine what the world would be like had Hitler never been defeated.

A passive resistance group, the White Rose, was lead by four Munich students and their professor. One of the students was Sophie Scholl, who outwardly protested Hitler's regime. Her and her fellow members distributed leaflets imploring others to outwardly, but peacefully, protest the Nazis. The crew was caught distributing leaflets at the University of Munich and were executed by guillotine. Her last words were "Die Sonne scheint noch" (the sun still shines) - and her ending speech was: "How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause? Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go. But what does my death matter, if through us thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action?"
In the movie Valkyrie, General Trescow says to Colonel Stauffenberg: "God promised Abraham that he would not destroy Sodom if he could find ten righteous men... I have a feeling that for Germany it may come down to one." Someone, even the smallest person, had to stand up to Hitler even if it meant defeat. This should be a warning to us today to not allow another Hitler to take over through means of manipulation and fear. We should all be willing to stand united against another potential catastrophe to ever occur again.
It could have happened anywhere, and has already and still does today. When I think of Germany I do not want images of swastikas and concentration camps to fill my mind, but they always will. Hitler destroyed his country's image forever. No one will ever see Germany any different ever again, which is very sad in my opinion. Germany's dark past will follow it into oblivion, like an individual's shadow. Hitler did not love Germany. Hitler destroyed Germany, and that is exactly why the resistance sought to end his rule long before Europe (and especially Germany) had been ravaged by war.
We have to be on our guards. We must learn from the past. Another Hitler could rise amongst us, and can manipulate us to think that things will improve when in reality things will just fall apart. This can even happen in America. How do you know it is not already happening? If it does, what will you do to stop it?