Well as many of you know I will be going to UNCG next semester, and getting my college education out the of way before I start my long and (hopefully) interesting life. I have no earthly idea what I will do after I graduate, but I really want to travel for a while, or do something completely spontaneous. Perhaps I will do something with the Peace Corps, like my good friend Katie, perhaps I will get a writing internship somewhere, or I will move to Wilmington and start life fresh and get some job doing kayak tours on the intercoastal waterway. Who knows? I can't be worried about what course my life will take after school because there's a million and one possibilities, and if I even pretend to have a clue what I will be doing, I'll be misleading myself. I must keep an open mind about everything.
Right now, however, I have found myself in a rut. I'm not making enough money at my current job to afford to live on my own, so I am still at my aunt's house, which is nice for the time being, but I am going to need to figure out something soon. I'm 20 and I need to be on my own so I know what it is really like being an adult. I asked my manager today if she would consider promoting me, and she said, "it won't be right away, but maybe in three or four months" even though we are losing two shift supervisors in the next couple of months. So I don't know what's going to happen. I really need to get another job if I can't get promoted. But I cannot just work anywhere, it has to be a place that would fit well within my school schedule.
Overall, I'm just getting fed up with the types of personalities I have to deal with on a day to day basis, both at work and at home, and pretty much everywhere I go. At Starbucks we have the absolute worse customers ever. Many of them are ignorant, impatient, and downright mean, although we do have some nice ones that show up every now and then. Working with the public really blows though, and it affects us employees too. While most of us that work together are awesome friends outside of work, when we're at work, things can get a little hectic at times. Mostly I am just tired of people gossiping behind each others' backs and always having ulterior motives against others. Not everyone, but some. And our manager really is oblivious to a lot of the stuff that goes on. She fails to reprimand anyone.
And I'm tired of having to deal with my family's issues and quarrels. My mother has caused quite an uproar amongst my aunts and cousins, and I'm really ashamed to say she's my mother sometimes. She's a prescription drug addict, first of all, so she hasn't been right in her mind for a while, and she's just so ignorant. But I really stopped caring about her a long time ago, when she stopped caring about her children. It's always been about her. So my family is urging me to have her committed, but I do not think its my responsibility. The woman will only change when she wants to change.
On a good note, I'm learning to play to banjo, and have already learned to pick the song "Red River Valley." I play it clawhammer style, because the bluegrass styles are entirely too difficult! Jeremiah's banjo is really cool, and I will have to ask him how much he got it for, and where I could get one just like it. I think I could learn to really do this. It seems simple enough. You pick the notes for the song, and use a pattern to make it have a melody. I guess the same goes for guitar, but I haven't practiced much picking notes on guitar yet. Perhaps banjo will help me become better on guitar?
I have also brough my violin out again, and tuned it. It may be a little flat, but I have been playing a little and so far so good! I also wrote a few songs, and put them to guitar and recorded them on Jeremiah's tape recorder. Hopefully we can work on adding some other instruments to the mix (including banjo?) so that maybe I will have my first ep album?? We will have to see!
I've also registered for fall classes. I am taking Non-Western Religions, American Authors Colonial-Romantic, History of Rock Music, Cultural Anthropology, and Biological Psychology. Sure hope they are good classes!
Well I am really sad that Katie Caldwell is leaving for Africa on June 2, but at the same time I'm so happy for her, and I know it will change her life, and she will really make a difference in someone else's life! I haven't known Katie that long, but it doesn't matter, she's an awesome friend and she's going to be missed dearly!
Well I will just have to keep telling myself that this summer I am going to have a good time, despite any worries that I still harbor in my mind. I'm going to learn the banjo, jam with Turtle Paw, go to White Lake, camp out on the beach, hang with friends and just thoroughly enjoy myself!
What I've Been Up To
11 years ago
Awesome Post, Theresa! I think you definitely have your head and heart in the right place. And sometimes, especially while in college, it's hard to know exactly why and what your working for. I have no doubt that one day you'll stumble upon what's right for you, and having an open mind like yours is imperative to know how to progress. It's tough when you realize that you cannot help everyone, and sometimes you just have to look out for yourself. I hope things work out for your family and they should be very proud of your independence, intelligence, and strength.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the kind words and being a great friend! I also see you as a sister, and if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask (even when I'm away). It sounds like you're going to have a great summer and a lot of fun next semester- it makes me want to go back to college! ;D
I know you can overcome these difficult challenges, because you are mature and smart. Trust me- at 20, I certainly didn't have it together, and didn't have any idea that I'd be doing the things I'm doing now. And being an adult doesn't necessarily mean being financially independent or having all the answers. Give yourself some time and credit, and enjoy the ride.
For what it's worth, I'm proud of your accomplishments- FULL RIDE!! and I'm excited to see how things work out for you...
PS- I want a copy of your E.P., by the way!
Thank you so much Katie!!! When you get to Ghana you should facebook-me your address so I can send you stuff from home, anything you like!
ReplyDeleteI'm really gonna miss you!
Sweet post. I agree with Katie. You are an incredibly together person. I wish I had been as together as you are when I was 20. I look forward to jamming with you and (even though I will have TONS of fun) can't wait to get back from D. World.
ReplyDeleteThanks! Yes, jamming with you, Emily and Ashley is going to be a blast! I wish I was going to Disney World!!! You guys will have so much fun, and make sure to take lots of pics!